Questions about Texas Virtual Schools?

We will do our best to help answer some of those questions here for you!


Q. What is the cost to enroll?

We are a free online public school.

Q. What are the enrollment requirements?

 Enrollment requirements are detailed at


A student is eligible to enroll in Texas online schools for grades K-11 if the student is 18 years or under, and:

  • Is coming from another Texas Public School

  • Is coming from Homeschool, Private School, Out of State, or another Virtual Public School

Q. How do I submit required enrollment documentation, such as immunization records and proof of residency?

When you complete the student application, you will be directed to the secure upload screen where you can upload these documents.  If you have completed the application, please reach out to our Customer Care team for your Unique Link (include the full name of your student).

Q. Will there be an orientation prior to my child starting?

Yes, the TXVS student orientation course will be assigned to you before your start date as part of the student onboarding process. Contact the Activation team for further assistance.

Q. Why haven’t I received orientation or login information?

If you haven’t received orientation information, final enrollment is pending academic review of previous school records. You will receive orientation information once this process is completed. Course login information will be provided at orientation.  You will not be penalized for enrolling after school starts. 

Q. How can I access my courses?

To understand how to log in to your courses, you must log in to orientation. The video in orientation explains how to log in to your courses. To successfully access your courses, it is critical to watch the orientation video first.

Q. What is the process for APPLICATION review?

Academic records are reviewed for grade level and course placement verification. If your child falls under a special program, we will be working on obtaining the required documentation to verify services prior to final acceptance. Once this review has been completed, you will receive the welcome packet and orientation information.

Q. How will my child receive the necessary materials?

A laptop or computer with these system requirements is needed. All courses are web-based.  All materials are embedded within the curriculum.  Presentations, videos, and other instructional materials will be linked and available to the student. 

Q. How do we access the instructional website?

Once enrollment is finalized, you will receive login information for the Student Portal. 

Q. How can I view my child’s report card?

These instructions will walk you through the process. 

Q. What are the attendance requirements?

The State of Texas requires that students log in every school day. Attendance is recorded when a student logs in, turns in an assignment or works directly with a teacher. Students should complete at least three lessons per week per course to stay on track. It is important that you log in every day!

Q. How do I contact my teacher?

Teachers may be contacted via the student portal.

Q. How do I reset my student portal password?

Please submit your request to our Customer Care team or contact the Activation team for assistance.

Q. How much time do I need to be logged in each day?

You are required to log in and complete coursework every day.  You have access to your courses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Please follow up with your teacher if you have a concern about your course pace and/or completing assignments.  Your teachers, advisors, and counselors are carefully watching your progress and will connect with you if anything needs to change.

Q. How can I access my courses?

Courses are located in the student portal. Login information was emailed to you. Please check your inbox for your username and password.

Q. Why can’t I see my schedule?

Schedules are finalized once applications are approved and students are fully registered.  Students will not be penalized for starting classes after Aug. 13.

Q. When is the first day of classes?

The official first day for the 2024-25 academic year is Aug. 13. However, we are accepting applications throughout the semester and students will not be penalized for starting later.  For students starting after Aug. 13, their official first day of school is the first time they log in. Review the 2024-25 academic calendar.

Q. How can I request a transcript?

Please submit a TXVS Records Request form to ask for a transcript or verification of enrollment. 

Q. How can I change my schedule of classes?

If you want to make a schedule change, visit the counselor landing page in the student portal and click the "schedule change request" button. You may also begin the interest inventory in your Pathful course, which is on your dashboard.

Q. Do you accept students who reside outside of Texas?


Q. How do I withdraw my student from Texas Virtual Schools?

Please submit your withdrawal request, including the full name of the student and the name of the requestor.

Q. How do I know if attendance has been recorded for my student?

Once your student has logged in to their Student Portal, you will no longer receive reminder messages. Contact the Attendance team or submit an absence form.

Q. Why am I receiving attendance notifications if I’ve logged in?

Please ensure your student has logged in to the student portal and logged out at the end of the day, and use a new browser window to make sure their attendance is captured. Attendance is only verified if the login is through the student’s account, not the parent’s. Once the student has logged in, you will no longer receive the attendance notifications. Contact the Attendance team.

Q. Do you offer tutoring?

Yes, please reach out to your teacher during their office hours.

Q. I’ve logged in, but student activity is not showing. What am I doing wrong?

Please ensure your student has logged in through the student’s account, not the parent’s. If you are still experiencing difficulty viewing student activity, please reach out to our Activation team or submit a contact form for further assistance.

Q. How can I attend the optional live classes?

Live sessions are optional, and the schedule and meeting links are posted on teacher landing pages. You can always contact them directly. Review our TXVS Directory.

Q. What do I do if I am having trouble logging into courses?

Please email the Activation team or submit a help ticket to our Customer Care team.

Q. How can I access the school calendar?

Review the TXVS 2024-25 academic calendar.

Q. How do we get started?

Take a moment to review important email communications that may have been sent to you. Attend the live orientation sessions or review the materials before the first day of classes. The schedule and meeting links are located in the welcome packet. Email the Activation team or submit a help ticket.


TXVS recognizes that technology skills are essential for students attending online K-12 schools because they enable effective learning and engagement.

Proficiency in using educational software, navigating online platforms, and troubleshooting basic technical issues ensures students can access course materials, participate in virtual classrooms, and complete assignments efficiently. 

These skills also enhance digital literacy, critical for academic success and future careers. They foster independent learning, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Q. Do students have to be on camera during live lessons?

We encourage students to be on camera if possible, but if they are unable due to personal reasons or technology difficulties, it is okay to have their camera off.